Promoting Safety in our neighbourhoods

Promoting Safety in our neighbourhoods

Living in a vibrant and safe community is important to all of us. We all have a role in promoting and supporting the security of our neighbourhoods. I know many of you have joined neighbourhood watch groups, stay consistently vigilant in reporting suspicious activity...
Qaumajuq shines brightly

Qaumajuq shines brightly

I’ve often heard former Winnipeg mayor Susan Thompson say that the Winnipeg Art Gallery is our city’s largest community centre. Susan has a long history with WAG and is currently the opening co-ordinator of Qaumajuq, the gallery’s new Inuit art centre. Her statement...
Creating safe and walkable communities

Creating safe and walkable communities

I hope you’re all staying healthy and safe. During this unique summer, many of us have been spending more time outdoors. Our neighbourhoods are full of many walkable spaces, from the new Chief Peguis Greenway to the Seven Oaks Arena indoor walking track. These...
École James Nisbet gets a little greener

École James Nisbet gets a little greener

PHOTO BY DARREN RIDGLEY Students at École James Nisbet School will be able to enjoy a little shade for generations to come thanks to the work of today’s generation. The school was named the City of Winnipeg’s Arbor Day School for 2019, a title bestowed by the City’s...
Indoor Splash Pad Opens at Seven Oaks Pool

Indoor Splash Pad Opens at Seven Oaks Pool

Local families can get refreshed during summer at the brand-new indoor splash pad and water slides at the recently reopened Seven Oaks Pool. On March 28, community members, City officials, and representatives from the provincial government gathered for the official...
Creativity Shines in Old Kildonan

Creativity Shines in Old Kildonan

PHOTO BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Don’t let the cold weather keep you inside! Staying active year-round is important, and I’m pleased that our community has a multitude f recreational wintertime activities for everyone to enjoy. Here are a few things you can participate in this...